Code Golf: Diamond Blackjack

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The challenge

The shortest code by character count to output a best-case blackjack hand from the list of number-cards given.

Input is a list of numbers from 1 to 10 (inclusive) separated by space.

Output will be the best blackjack hand formed from that list of cards - the closest available combo to reach 21 by the sum of all card values without surpassing it. Cards can be removed but not added.

If a case where removing two or more cards in favor of one card to accomplish the same result (removing 5 or 4,1 to gain 21) removing the least cards is required. If the equal amount of cards is to be removed (removing 1,4 or 3,2) the group with the minimum of the minimum will be removed (in the previous example, 1,4 will be removed as min(min(3,2), min(1,4)) belongs to that pair). In the case of duplicate cards, the first encounter should be removed.

Output will be formed as diamond cards, with input order preserved:

 __________  __________ 
|          ||          |
|          || /\       |
|          || \/       |
|    /\    ||          |
|    \/    ||          |
|          ||       /\ |
|          ||       \/ |
 __________  __________ 
|          ||          |
| /\       || /\    /\ |
| \/       || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||          |
|    \/    ||          |
|       /\ || /\    /\ |
|       \/ || \/    \/ |
 __________  __________ 
|          ||          |
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    || /\    /\ |
|    \/    || \/    \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
 __________  __________ 
|          ||          |
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
 __________  __________ 
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |

Test cases

    1 5 7 8
     __________  __________  __________  __________ 
    |          ||          ||          ||          |
    |          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
    |          || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
    |    /\    ||    /\    || /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
    |    \/    ||    \/    || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
    |          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
    |          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

    10 3 4 2 6
     __________  __________  __________  __________ 
    | /\    /\ ||          ||          ||          |
    | \/ /\ \/ || /\       || /\       || /\    /\ |
    | /\ \/ /\ || \/       || \/       || \/    \/ |
    | \/    \/ ||    /\    ||          || /\    /\ |
    | /\    /\ ||    \/    ||          || \/    \/ |
    | \/ /\ \/ ||       /\ ||       /\ || /\    /\ |
    | /\ \/ /\ ||       \/ ||       \/ || \/    \/ |

    5 10 5 2 3
     __________  __________  __________  __________ 
    | /\    /\ ||          ||          ||          |
    | \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ || /\       || /\       |
    | /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ || \/       || \/       |
    | \/    \/ ||    /\    ||          ||    /\    |
    | /\    /\ ||    \/    ||          ||    \/    |
    | \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ ||       /\ ||       /\ |
    | /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ ||       \/ ||       \/ |

Code count includes input/output (i.e full program).


There are 9 answers


Golfscript - 228 Characters

' ':x/{~}%:h;9,{:r;h,2\?,{:m;h,,{2\?m&},{h\=}%}%1>{:j[{+}*.22<\j,j$j]}$)\;{:c;[x]3,{4\?'  \//\__'2/[11'?'*8'@'*'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf'8'?'*]']]'+10r*c+=@/3&=}%[x]++' _'1/7r&!=*}%'|':x;n}%
$ echo 10 9 8 7 6 5 | ../golfscript.rb
 __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          |
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

231 Characters

' ':x/{~}%:h,2\?,{:m;h,,{2\?m&},{h\=}%}%1>{:j[{+}*.22<\j,j$j]}$-1=:h;9,{:r;h{:c;[x]3,{4\?'  \//\__'2/11'?'*8'@'*'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf'8'?'*']]'++++10r*c+=@/3&=}%[x]++' _'1/7r&!=*}%'|':x;n}%

how it works

# parse input into a list 
' ':x/{~}%:h
# create the powerset
# map the powerset onto the cards
# trim the empty set from the powerset
# sort the hands. most preferred hand will be last
# take the preferred hand from the end of the list
# for r in 0..8
...more to follow
ChristopheD On

Python, 632 characters

from itertools import*
s=r(lambda x:o(x)<22,chain.from_iterable(imap(combinations,repeat(l),q(len(l)+1))))
s=r(lambda x:o(x)==max(map(o,s)),s)
t=max(([(min(x),x)for x in s if len(x)==max(map(len,s))]))[1]
a=" __________ "
b="|          |"
c="| /\    /\ |";e=c[::-1]
d="| /\       |";l=d[::-1]
g="| \/       |";k=g[::-1]
i="|    /\    |";j=i[::-1]
h="| /\ \/ /\ |";f=h[::-1]
for x in q(9):
 print''.join([globals()[y[x*10:(x+1)*10][v-1]]for v in t])

Sample output:

10 5 7 4 1 1
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________ 
| /\    /\ ||          ||          ||          ||          |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ ||          ||          |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ ||          ||          |
| \/    \/ ||    /\    ||          ||    /\    ||    /\    |
| /\    /\ ||    \/    ||          ||    \/    ||    \/    |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ ||          ||          |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ ||          ||          |
John La Rooy On

Python - 365 Characters

for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(('?'*11+'@'*8+'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]]')[r*10+c])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max([[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b]for n in R(1<<H)],key=lambda c:(sum(c)<22,sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)))
$ echo 2 4 8 1 8 3| python 
 __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          |
| /\       || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\       |
| \/       || \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/       |
|          || /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ ||    /\    |
|          || \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ ||    \/    |
|       /\ || /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ ||       /\ |
|       \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ ||       \/ |
$ echo 1 4 5 4 7 4 8| python 
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    ||          || /\ \/ /\ ||          |
|    \/    ||    \/    ||          || \/    \/ ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

369 Characters

for n in R(1<<H):c=[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b];j+=[(sum(c)<22,sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)]
for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(('?'*11+'@'*8+'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]]')[r*10+c])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max(j)[-1])

377 Characters

for n in R(1<<H):c=[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b];j+=[(sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)]*(sum(c)<22)
for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(('?'+T[c*8-8:])[r])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max(j)[-1])

408 characters

for n in R(1<<H):c=[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b];j+=[(sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)]*(sum(c)<22)
T="@@@DH@@ @AB@@P` @ABDHP` @Qb@@Qb @QbDHQb @QbQbQb @QfYbQb @QfYfYb QbQfYbQn QfYbQfYn".split();U="\x3f"
for r in R(9):s="_ "[0<r<8];x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join(s.join(x+[("  ","/\\","\/","__")[ord((U+T[c-1]+U)[r])>>i&3]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in sorted(j)[-1][-1])
gwell On

Lua, 895

OK, correct now. Can even score 1 as ace.

t=table p=ipairs j=arg x={}r={}o={}b=0 function f()local e,s,n,m=0,0,{}for i,v in p(j)do s=s+v e=e+(v+0==1 and 1 or 0)n[i]=v end t.sort(n)for i,v in p(n)do if o[i]and v~=o[i]then m=v>o[i]break end end while e>0 and s<12 do s=s+10 e=e-1 end if s<=21 and s>b or(s==b and(#j>#r or(#j==#r and m)))then b=s for i=1,#r>#j and #r or #j do r[i]=j[i]o[i]=j[i]end t.sort(o)end if s>0 then for i=1,#j do t.insert(x,t.remove(j,i))f()t.insert(j,i,table.remove(x))end end end f()t={" __________ ","|          |","|__________|","|    /\\    |","| /\\       |","|       /\\ |","| /\\    /\\ |","| \\/ /\\ \\/ |","|_\\/____\\/_|"}c={"12224D223","125E226F3","125E4D6F3","127G227G3","127G4D7G3","127G7G7G3","1278HG7G3","1278H8HG3","17G78HG79","178HG78H9"}for i=1,9 do for j,x in p(r)do v=c[tonumber(x)]:sub(i,i):byte()io.write(v<64 and t[v-48]or(t[v-64]:gsub("[/\\]",{["/"]="\\",["\\"]="/"})))end io.write("\n")end

Sample output:

>lua card.lua 8 9 10 7 
 __________  __________ 
| /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |

>lua card.lua 1 4 5 4 7 4 8 
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    ||          || /\ \/ /\ ||          |
|    \/    ||    \/    ||          || \/    \/ ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

>lua card.lua 1 9 5 5
 __________  __________  __________
|          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    ||    /\    |
|    \/    ||    \/    ||    \/    |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
barkmadley On

Haskell minimally tested 721 characters

Updated Haskell version, now supposedly works for all cases but it could probably do with more testing.

import Data.List --17


m=map --6
r=reverse --10
l=length --9
u=True --7
g=minimum --10

--printing of the cards

p=foldl1(zipWith(++)).m d --26
a=[" __________ ","|          |","| /\\    /\\ |",r(a!!2),"| /\\       |",r(a!!4),"| \\/       |",r(a!!6),"|    /\\    |",r(a!!8),"| /\\ \\/ /\\ |",r(a!!10),"|_\\/____\\/_|","|__________|"] --190
j(Just x)=x --12
d(n+1)=m(j.(flip$lookup)(zip"abcedlgkijhfnm"a).("aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbccbddcccccefbggeeeffchibibichhfejbjbjeefhcbkkcccchefblleeeeechmmmmmmmmnn"!!).(+n))[0,10..80] --160

-- interaction and pipeline

main=interact$unlines.p.f.m read.words --39
f x=head.filter((<22).sum).r.sortBy(o x)$x:z x --47

-- generate all possible hands (power set)

z[]=[] --7
z(x:s)=s:m(x:)(z s)++z s --25

-- sorting logic
c f a b=compare(f a)$f b --25

o x a b|l a==l b=s x a b|u=c l a b --35
s o a b|g a==g b=t o a b|u=c g a b --35
t o a b|all(`elem`b)a=c(n o)a b|u=GT --37
n t=m(j.(`elemIndex`t)) --24

Haskell version not finished yet 622 characters

it won't win any beauty contests, could also be improved I'm sure, and doesn't exactly follow the spec (still working on the min(min(3,2), min(1,4)) issue as well as the duplicate filtering (the o function needs more cases)). Despite it's incompleteness it does pass all the test cases given.

Each line is commented (--) with the number of characters on it, including the new line.

import Data.List --17
p=foldl1(zipWith(++)).m d --26
r=reverse --10
a=[" __________ ","|          |","| /\\    /\\ |",r(a!!2),"| /\\       |",r(a!!4),"| \\/       |",r(a!!6),"|    /\\    |",r(a!!8),"| /\\ \\/ /\\ |",r(a!!10),"|_\\/____\\/_|","|__________|"] --190
j(Just x)=x --12
d(n+1)=m(j.(flip$lookup)(zip"abcedlgkijhfnm"a).("aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbccbddcccccefbggeeeffchibibichhfejbjbjeefhcbkkcccchefblleeeeechmmmmmmmmnn"!!).(+n))[0,10..80] --160
m=map --6

main=interact$unlines.p.snd.f.m read.words --43

f x=head.filter((<22).fst).m(\x->(sum x,x))$r$sortBy o$x:z x --61

c f a b=compare(f a)$f b --25
z[]=[] --7
z(x:s)=s:m(x:)(z s)++z s --25
l=length --9

o a b|l a==l b=GT|True=c l a b --31
ephemient On


Blatantly stolen from gnibbler's Python solution; turns out to be three characters shorter, at 362 -- if input is given on the command line.

sub p{(local$z=pop)?(@z=&p,map[@$_,$z],@z):[]}
for(p@ARGV){$t=0;$t+=$_ for@$_;($s,@c)=($t,@$_)if$t>=$s&&$t<22}
map(join('',((split//,'  \//\__')[ord((('?')x11,('@')x8,split//,

To read from stdin, replace @ARGV by @F and use perl -an; using traditional Perl golf scoring, that counts as 362.

And, of course, gnibbler's other other Python trick can be copied too.

$ perl -pechomp <<'END' \
> >'bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]]'
> sub p{(local$z=pop)?(@z=&p,map[@$_,$z],@z):[]}
> for(p@F){$t=0;$t+=$_ for@$_;($s,@c)=($t,@$_)if$t>=$s&&$t<22}
> for$r(0..8){$x=$r?'|':$";for$c(@c){print+join$r*($r<8)?$":'_',$x,
> map(join('',((split//,'  \//\__')[ord((('?')x11,('@')x8,split//,$0)
> [$r*10+$c])*2>>$_&6..7])[0,1]),0,2,4),$x}print$/}
$ wc -c <bb*
$ echo 10 5 2 9 3 | perl -an bb*
 __________  __________  __________ 
| /\    /\ ||          || /\    /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\       || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/       || /\    /\ |
| \/    \/ ||          || \/ /\ \/ |
| /\    /\ ||          || /\ \/ /\ |
| \/ /\ \/ ||       /\ || \/    \/ |
| /\ \/ /\ ||       \/ || /\    /\ |
mob On

Perl, 410 char

Don't know how much more improvement is possible, but maybe this would be easier to port to GolfScript than gnibbler's algorithm:

sub R{for(@_){substr$q[$_],$B+$z,2,'/\\';substr$q[$_+1],$B+$z,2,'\/';
$q=$s,$N=$i if$s<462&&$q<$s}
s/$/|          |/for@q;
$B=5;($P=$p[$p])&1&&R(4-($P==7));$P-8||R 5,3;$P>9&&R 6,2;
$B=2;if($P>8){R 1,3,5,7}else{R 2if$P>1;R 6if$P>3;R 4if$P>5}$z+=12}
$q[0]=~y/| / _/;$q[-1]=~y/ /_/;print@q
ephemient On

J, 303 characters

4(1!:2)~,&(10{a.)"1>,.&.>/4 :'''/\/\''(x(<@:+)"1]4 2$1|.4#0 1)}y'&.>/@((<>1 7 1#1&|.@(2 10&#)&.>' _';'| ';'|_'),~>)"0(>({~[:(i.[:>./[*22&>)+/@>)(#:@i.@(2&^)@#<@#"1 _])".1!:1]3){a:,(((1$7);(a 0 _1;7),(a 0 2 _3 _1;7),((a=:,&.>/\)0 2 6 8 _3 _1;4;_5)){&.><,{(2+i.5);2 5 8),(4 5;k);<2 5;6 5;k=:,{2 8;~>:+:i.4
$ echo -n 1 5 7 8 | jconsole test.ijs
 __________  __________  __________  __________
|          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
|    /\    ||    /\    || /\ \/ /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
|    \/    ||    \/    || \/    \/ || \/ /\ \/ |
|          || /\    /\ || /\    /\ || /\ \/ /\ |
|          || \/    \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |

$ echo -n 10 3 4 2 6 | jconsole test.ijs
 __________  __________  __________  __________
| /\    /\ ||          ||          ||          |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\       || /\       || /\    /\ |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/       || \/       || \/    \/ |
| \/    \/ ||    /\    ||          || /\    /\ |
| /\    /\ ||    \/    ||          || \/    \/ |
| \/ /\ \/ ||       /\ ||       /\ || /\    /\ |
| /\ \/ /\ ||       \/ ||       \/ || \/    \/ |

$ echo -n 5 10 5 2 3 | jconsole test.ijs
 __________  __________  __________  __________
| /\    /\ ||          ||          ||          |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ || /\       || /\       |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ || \/       || \/       |
| \/    \/ ||    /\    ||          ||    /\    |
| /\    /\ ||    \/    ||          ||    \/    |
| \/ /\ \/ || /\    /\ ||       /\ ||       /\ |
| /\ \/ /\ || \/    \/ ||       \/ ||       \/ |

The core, finding the best hand, is actually really easy. Generate the power set of the cards given, and select the one with the highest value less than 22.

({~[:(i.[:>./[*22&>)+/@>)(#:@i.@(2&^)@#<@#"1 _])

Then we start with a blank card

<>1 7 1#1&|.@(2 10&#)&.>' _';'| ';'|_'

and layer on diamonds in the appropriate places.

'/\/\'(x(<@:+)"1]4 2$1|.4#0 1)}y

The rest of the program is dominated by the table of what diamonds go where.

John La Rooy On

Python - 298 Characters

simply rename the script like this

mv '???????????@@@@@@@@bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]].py'

Here is the script

import sys
for r in R(9):x=["| "[1>r]];print"".join("_ "[0<r<8].join(x+["  \//\__"[ord(sys.argv[0][r*10+c])*2>>i&6:][:2]for i in 0,2,4]+x)for c in max([[h[b]for b in R(H)if n&1<<b]for n in R(1<<H)],key=lambda c:(sum(c)<22,sum(c),len(c),sorted(c),c)))

and a sample run

$ echo 1 2 3 4 5 | python '???????????@@@@@@@@bb@BBbbbbbQY@AAQQQYYbfH@H@HbffYQD@D@DQQYfb@``bbbbfQY@PPQQQQQbf????????]].py'
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________ 
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|          || /\       || /\       || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          || \/       || \/       || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |
|    /\    ||          ||    /\    ||          ||    /\    |
|    \/    ||          ||    \/    ||          ||    \/    |
|          ||       /\ ||       /\ || /\    /\ || /\    /\ |
|          ||       \/ ||       \/ || \/    \/ || \/    \/ |