Close other panels before opening another

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I have looked around and around and I can't find or figure this out. Maybe I have seen something but wasn't sure how to integrate it into what I have...I'm not sure. I have decided to swallow my pride and ask. I am new to Javascript/jquery and I am stuck.

I have created a row of buttons that all slideDown a panel. I have all of the buttons working correctly with one thing missing. I would like only one panel to be open at a time. So, if one panel was open and I clicked on another button the open panel will slideUp and the next will slideDown.

If my scripting is a little ruff, any critique is much appreciated as well.

Thank you.

The link to the site is

And my jQuery:

jQuery(function ($) {

    $(document).ready(function() {

        $(function () {
            $('.action-btn').on('click', function () {
                var sliderID = $(this).attr('data-sliderid');
                if ($('.' + sliderID).is(":hidden")) {
                    $('.' + sliderID).slideDown("slow");
                if($(div).hasClass('down')) {
                else {
                    $('.' + sliderID).slideUp("slow");

    });//end of docready 

    $(window).load(function() { });//end of windowload

});//end of $ block 

There are 2 answers

Lucien Stals On

jQuery(function ($) {

$(document).ready(function() {

    $(function () {
        $('.action-btn').on('click', function () {
            * since all the sliders are also in a 'wrapper' class, just 
            * slideUp all the wrapper, then slideDown the one you want.

            var sliderID = $(this).attr('data-sliderid');
            if ($('.' + sliderID).is(":hidden")) {
                $('.' + sliderID).slideDown("slow");
            if($(div).hasClass('down')) {
            else {
                $('.' + sliderID).slideUp("slow");

});//end of docready 

$(window).load(function() { });//end of windowload

});//end of $ block 

Another approach would be to use jQuery UI tabs and just style them since they already implement the behavior you want.

Illusive Minds Media On

So after Looking and learning about the jQuery's Tab UI, I couldn't figure out how to make it work for what I was trying to do. So a friend and I figured this snippet of code out. Thought I would post it for others to maybe use. Hope it helps someone sometime.


<div class="section group">
<div class="col span_1_of_4 sub-btn hvr-reveal action-btn centerText" data-sliderid="ourPurposeSlider">
    <h3>Our Purpose</h3>
<div class="col span_1_of_4 sub-btn hvr-reveal action-btn centerText" data-sliderid="whereWeWorkSlider">
    <h3>Where We Work</h3>
<div class="col span_1_of_4 sub-btn hvr-reveal action-btn centerText" data-sliderid="staffSlider">
    <h3>Meet the Staff</h3>
<div class="col span_1_of_4 sub-btn hvr-reveal action-btn centerText" data-sliderid="boardSlider">
    <h3>Meet the Board</h3>


$(function () {
        $('.action-btn').on('click', function () {
            var sliderID = $(this).attr('data-sliderid');

            if( $('.active')[0] && !$('.' + sliderID).hasClass("active") ){
                $('.active').slideUp("slow", function(){
                    $('.' + sliderID).slideDown("slow").addClass("active");
            }else if( $('.active')[0] && $('.' + sliderID).hasClass("active") ){
                $('.' + sliderID).slideUp("slow").removeClass("active");
                $('.' + sliderID).slideDown("slow").addClass("active");
