Change the artifact name while uploading to Maven Repository through command line

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I am new to Maven and looking out for ways to upload many 'XML'(not jars) files to a Maven Repository.

I came across the 'mvn deploy' command which allows me to successfully upload the files to a Maven Nexus Repository. I am using below command to upload single file successfully. So my XML gets uploaded with name com/xxx/test/test/0.1/test-0.1.xml.

call mvn deploy:deploy-file -DartifactId=test -Dversion=0.1 -DgeneratePom=false -DrepositoryId=kepler-releases -Durl= -Dfile=xxx/abc.xml

Is there a way that I can upload multiple xml files under this same group '' with their existing file names (like abc.xml in this case)?

I saw there is some option -finalName but couldnt find many examples around its use. Any help with this would be appreciated.



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