Can't install bigrf package

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I'm having some extremely frustrating difficulty installing the bigrf R package.

I have tried the following:


^^with dev mode on



These have all been tried on R build 2.14 (which bigrf was built on), 2.15, 3.0.2 and 3.1.1 I am getting a not available for build x' every time. Is bigrf defunct? I have seen a couple of posts here on SO which have used various builds of R requesting help with bigrf. the solutions IO have tried came from these threads :/


There are 2 answers

B G Manjunath Prasad On BEST ANSWER

Package ‘bigrf’ was removed from the CRAN repository.

Formerly available versions can be obtained from the archive.

Archived on 2015-11-21 as check problems were not corrected despite reminders from CRAN people that's what the note i get from the

AudioBubble On

To install the current version of bigrf on CRAN:

install.packages("bigrf", dependencies=TRUE)

To install the development version on GitHub:

install_github("bigrf", repo='aloysius-lim/bigrf')