Can I initialize string[] or list<string> in managedCuda?

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I want to use a string matching in managedCuda. But how can I initialized it?

i've tried using C# version, here's the examples:

stringAr = new List<string>();

for the string matching, i've used this code:

bool found = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < stringAr.Count; i++)
            found = (stringAr[i]).IndexOf(textBox2.Text) > -1;
            if (found) break;
        if (found && textBox2.Text != "")
            label1.Text = "Found!";
            label1.Text = "Not Found!";

I also allocate input h_A in host memory

            string[] h_B = new string[N];

When i want to allocate in device memory and copy vectors from host memory to device memory

        CudaDeviceVariable<string[]> d_B = h_B;

It gave me this error

The type 'string[]' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'CudaDeviceVariable<T>'

any help?


There are 1 answers

Slawomir Orlowski On BEST ANSWER

Based on the documentation and your error message, only non-nullable value type can be used with CudaDeviceVariable.

Change stringAr list to a char[] (or byte[]) array, and then allocate it on device by using CudaDeviceVariable with generic parameter char (or byte).

EDIT1 Here is the code that change stringAr to byte[] array:

byte[] stringArAsBytes = stringAr
                .SelectMany(s => System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s))

then try something like this:

CudaDeviceVariable<byte> d_data = stringArAsBytes;