C# use DLL functions dynamically

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I have two folders, one folder with files and the other one with DLL files, I can not know which or how many DLLs there is inside the DLL files directory (modular use). Inside every DLL file there is a function that gets FileInfo as parameter. How could I run all the functions in the DLLs on each file from the files directory?

for example, one of the DLL files:

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace DLLTest
    public class DLLTestClass
        public bool DLLTestFunction(FileInfo file)
            return file.Exists;


DirectoryInfo filesDir = new DirectoryInfo(path_to_files_Directory);
DirectoryInfo dllsDir = new DirectoryInfo(path_to_dlls_Directory);

foreach(FileInfo file in filesDir.getFiles())
    //How do I run each one of the dll funtions on each one of the files?

Thanks a lot.


There are 3 answers


C# is static typed language, so if you want to call a specific function from many assemblies, the first step is to define one project with an interface for such a function.

You have to create one project (called ModuleInterface or anything else) with one interface :

public interface IDllTest
    bool DLLTestFunction(FileInfo file);

Then all your Dll projects must have at least one classe which implements this interface :

public class DLLTestClass : IDllTest
    public bool DLLTestFunction(FileInfo file)
        return file.Exists;

Note the implementation of IDllTest above (you have to add a reference to project ModuleInterface).

Finally, in your main project, you have to load all your assemblies from a directory :

DirectoryInfo dllsDir = new DirectoryInfo(path_to_dlls_Directory);

foreach(FileInfo file in dllsDir.getFiles())
    //Load the assembly
    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile (file.FullName);

    //Get class which implements the interface IDllTest
    Type modules = assembly.GetTypes ().SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IDllTest)));
    IDllTest module = (IDllTest)Activator.CreateInstance (modules);

    //Call DllTestFunction (you have to define anyFileInfo)

It probably need some adjustments, because i don't have test it ! However I'm sure that it's the steps to follow.

Reference (in french) : http://www.lab.csblo.fr/implementer-un-systeme-de-plugin-framework-net-c/

I hope my English is understandable, feel free to correct me.

Maksim Simkin On

Niels proposed a very good solution, with a clear interface. If you don't want to create interface, or if you cann't you could iterate all types and methods to find a known signature:

var definedTypes = Assembly.LoadFile("file").DefinedTypes;
foreach(var t in definedTypes)
    foreach(var m in t.GetMethods())
        var parameters = m.GetParameters();
        if (parameters.Length ==1 && parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(FileInfo))
            var instanse = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
            m.Invoke(instanse, new[] { fileInfo });

for this you do need that all classes have a parameterless constructor to instanciate it. As a parameter of Invoke method you give your fileInfo object.

H.G. Sandhagen On

You will have to load the assemblies dynamically find the function in it and call it. All steps are described here