I am using bourbon and neat for the first time after switching over from compass. My set up is as follows:
Importing bourbon and neat at the top of my main SASS file like so:
@import "bourbon";
@import "neat";
Installed using CodeKit 3
All of my neat mixins work great. But any bourbon mixins fail. For example this is the error I get with the linear-gradient mixin
Libsass: Error: no mixin named linear-gradient
on line 117 of /dev/assets/design/sass/main.scss
@include linear-gradient(#1e5799, #2989d8);
I thought that neat needed bourbon to work. So I can't understand why my mixins don't work. Assuming I am making a newbie mistake. Can someone point me in the right direction?
What Brad said is pretty much right, except, depending on how you installed it you might find the path is different.
I was able to get it working with the following (my sass is 2 folders below the project root btw).
Also, I installed from within codekit package library
close up of codekit package search input
codekit search results package list
You click the arrow on the far right next to the package you want to install.
Hope that helps.