Bookdown does not print table

175 views Asked by At

No reproducible example here as bookdown has too many dependencies, so I hope the description is enough. With current versions of bookdown, the new furniture package, etc and related packages, the following fails to generate a table in the HTML bookdown output, but the code works fine in Rmarkdown.

Here is the Rmd call:

```{r table 1, results='asis'}

and the associated Rchunk is:

 # --- table 1 ----

       splitby = ~new_Priority, output='markdown'

The wrapping text is all there, just no table. I would welcome suggestions. Thanks,


There are 1 answers

user2292410 On

The fault (of course) was mine .

The Rchunk had three dashes on the left side, not four. Four is the magic number for Rchunks.

The table was printed (quite nicely, actually) in a different section of the report.