I have this struct in order to index an rdf graph.
type Statement struct {
StatementHash string `json:"statementHash"`
SubjectType string `json:"subjType"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
Predicate string `json:"predicate"`
Object string `json:"object"`
ObjectType string `json:"objectType"`
ShortType string `json:"shortType"`
ShortPredicate string `json:"shortPredicate"`
DocType string `json:"docType"`
is initialised to "statement"
My objective is to be able to form a query string like
"shortType:Tweet covid"
in order to find Tweets
in the index that have covid
anywhere in the index.
I have set up the index as follows:
func buildIndexMapping() (mapping.IndexMapping, error) {
// a generic reusable mapping for english text
englishTextFieldMapping := bleve.NewTextFieldMapping()
englishTextFieldMapping.Analyzer = en.AnalyzerName
// a generic reusable mapping for keyword text
keywordFieldMapping := bleve.NewTextFieldMapping()
keywordFieldMapping.Analyzer = keyword.Name
statementMapping := bleve.NewDocumentMapping()
// mapping is based on short names only and object literal
// shortType
statementMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("shortType", keywordFieldMapping)
// others here
indexMapping := bleve.NewIndexMapping()
indexMapping.AddDocumentMapping("statement", statementMapping)
indexMapping.TypeField = "docType"
indexMapping.DefaultAnalyzer = "en"
return indexMapping, nil
At this stage, I can get a search on covid
to work, but when the term shortType:Tweet
is added there are no results.
This is the searching snippet
type IndexHandler struct {
Index bleve.Index
// h is of type IndexHandler
queryS := "shortType:Tweet covid"
query := bleve.NewQueryStringQuery(queryS)
searchRequest := bleve.NewSearchRequestOptions(query, size, from, false)
searchRequest.Fields = []string{"*"}
searchRequest.Highlight = bleve.NewHighlight()
searchResult, _ := h.Index.Search(searchRequest)
docCount, _ := h.Index.DocCount()
fmt.Printf("GET %s\n", queryS)
fmt.Printf("%d(%d) of %d\n", len(searchResult.Hits), searchResult.Total, docCount)
Will this set-up be able to achieve the kind of query that I indicated? If so, what could explain the failure to retrieve any results?