I want to trigger a job in Jenkins whenever a pull request is created in Bitbucket. I have used Bitbucket Pull Request Builder for this and set up the refspec and branch specifier as follow:
- Refspec:
- Branch Specifier:
But Jenkins job is picking the last merged branch not the source branch of the open pull request.
Please help me with this or provide me with a clean solution to create a pipeline to trigger a job whenever a pull request is created in Jenkins
I would prefer Generic+Webhook+Trigger+Plugin instead of BitBucket it provides everything in the payload when pull request created.
Here are the steps
Create Webhook in Bitbucket![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/gSRD0.png)
add Your Jenkins Remote URL in the webhook![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/KIWoN.png)
You can check details integration here