I'm using AWS Polly in my Android app. I'm pretty sure that it was reading correctly re-record
Idk what's changed but Polly reads it as "re minus record". Is there a way to exclude this issue by using SSML tags?
I tried with different voice types (male and female), but no luck.
private fun getSignedUrl(text: String, speechRate: Int): String {
// Create speech synthesis request.
val synthesizeSpeechPresignRequest = SynthesizeSpeechPresignRequest()
.withText("<speak><prosody rate=\"${speechRate}%\">$text</prosody></speak>")
.withTextType("ssml") //https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/supportedtags.html
return client?.getPresignedSynthesizeSpeechUrl(synthesizeSpeechPresignRequest)?.toString()?:""
Thanks in advance.
I’ve just tested on the console here: https://eu-central-1.console.aws.amazon.com/polly/home/SynthesizeSpeech?region=eu-central-1
It's broken only if you activate lexicon as globalenglish.
It's a problem with the Lexicon that's used. Without using lexicons, it works perfectly splendid!