Automating WSUS updates with PowerShell/PowerCLI

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I'm looking to automate the process of installing WSUS updates on my VMs. To give a short overview, here are the things I want to accomplish (please let me know if my methods are moronic, I'd love to learn the right way for all of this.):

  • Check if the particular VM has any WSUS updates to install
  • If there are updates available, take a snapshot of the VM
  • Begin the WSUS install
  • Reboot the system, if necessary

I am currently able to check if the particular VM has updates and take a snapshot. Now I know I could just have this portion of the script run and configure a GPO to accomplish the rest of the tasks, but my thought process is that if I can do it all in the script, I will be able to check that the snapshot of the VM exists prior to installing the update. Below you can see what my script does as of now.

foreach ($vm in $vms) {
   if ($vm.PowerState -eq "poweredOn") {
      $output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script -VM $vm -GuestCredential $guestCred
      if ($output.ScriptOutput -Notlike '0*') {
         New-Snapshot -VM $vm -Name BeforeWSUS

After this I would like to perform a check to see if the snapshot exists for a vm, then install the WSUS update. If a reboot is necessary, then reboot.

Is there a way to do this? A better way to do this? Would really appreciate some insight, I'm new to Powershell.

Edit: I've checked on the PSWindowsUpdate Module, would that need to be on each VM I plan to update?


There are 1 answers

w21froster On BEST ANSWER

Yes, you would need PSWindowsUpdate installed on each VM.

You could include something like this in your script to check if PSWindowsUpdate is installed and if not, install it.

Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted
$Modules = "PSWindowsUpdate"
$Modules | ForEach-Object {
    If (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $_)) {
            Install-Module $_ -Verbose -Confirm:$false

I think that Install-Module requires PowerShell version 5.0.

Then you would use Get-WUInstall to install updates from your WSUS server. (It looks like it defaults to WSUS if configured via GPO.)

Probably throw in a -Confirm:$False to avoid it prompting you to allow each update.

More info on PSWindowsUpdate: