Asp.Net Telerik RadGrid : Data does not render in tabular format

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I have an ASP.NET Telerik RadGrid control declared as below. The first column is a templated column which has checkboxes for each row. I observe that whenever I use the html checkbox input control the grid is rendered properly using the WebBlue skin. However, if I use an Asp.Net server side checkbox control then the data is rendered without the grid/table. (Screenshots attached). Now I need to use the server side controls to be able to use them in my server side functionality. I would really appreciate if someone is able to figure the solution for this bug.

        <telerik:RadGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" ID="FxTransactionGrid" AllowFilteringByColumn="false"
            AllowPaging="False" AllowSorting="false" runat="server" GridLines="None" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true" 
            Skin="WebBlue" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right" AlternatingItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right"
            SortingSettings-EnableSkinSortStyles="false" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"
            OnItemCommand="FxTransactionGrid_ItemCommand" Font-Names="veranda" 
            <MasterTableView GroupLoadMode="Client" TableLayout="Auto" DataKeyNames="ExecRate, High, Low, SlippageVSMid,SlippageVSWMCO,ApprovedBy,Mt_ref, Warning" 

            Font-Size="Smaller" AllowMultiColumnSorting="true">
                    <telerik:GridTemplateColumn UniqueName="CheckBox" ItemStyle-Width="30px" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
                            <input id="headerCheckBox" type="checkbox" onclick="checkAllRows(this);" />
                            <%--<input id="rowCheckBox" type="checkbox" />--%>
                            <asp:CheckBox ID="rowCheckBox" runat="server" />

               ...other columns....

Grid with Server-side CheckBox control

Grid with HTML CheckBox Input control


There are 1 answers


Check this link I think this should resolve the issue you are facing. the problem is VS2013.