Api Blueprint and long running jobs

121 views Asked by At

I would like to properly design my json API with long running jobs with Blueprint. I need to process files, return a 202 Accepted with a location header and then design the temporary location who will receive 303 See Other and then the final object 201 Created.

Is there a way to properly design this sequence ?


There are 1 answers


The blueprint could look like this:

# Stars [/stars]

Collection of stars.

## Create [POST]
+ Request (application/json)

    Create a star

    + Body

            {"name": "Death Star"}

+ Response 202

    Request has been accepted into the queue. Poll the queue item to check the result. 

    + Headers

            Location: /queue/12345

# Queue Item [/queue/{id}]

One item in a job queue.

+ Parameters
    + id: 12345 (number) - Id of the queue

## Query Status [GET]
+ Response 200 (aplication/xml)

    The job is still in progress.

    + Body

                <eta>2 mins.</eta>
                <link rel="cancel" method="delete" href="/queue/12345" />

+ Response 303

    The job has finished. See the created resource.

    + Headers

            Location: /stars/97865