AngularJS - Controller not registered with ocLazyLoad

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I've just implemented ocLazyLoad to my site, however I have a problem that even though the module is being loaded correctly (according to debug anyway) but the Controller apparently still doesnt exist.

application.js: I deleted oc.lazyload from there since it LazyLoads it now (at least I think? When I had it in there but the JS files weren't loaded yet I got module error so..).

routing.js (config file): app.config(['$routeProvider', "$locationProvider",'$translateProvider', '$ocLazyLoadProvider', function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $translateProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider)


         debug: true,
         modules: [
                name: 'ui.tinymce',
                files: [
                name: 'smoothScroll',
                files: [


        route: '/Support/Ticket/',
        templateUrl: templatePath + "support" + "/ticket.html",
        resolve: {
        eventCtrl: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
        return $ocLazyLoad.load(
            files: ['app/controller/tinymce/tinymce.js',

When visiting the web page it gives me this debug info:

ocLazyLoad.fileLoaded app/controller/angular-ui-tinymce/src/tinymce.js
angular.js?v=4:344 ocLazyLoad.fileLoaded assets/js/app.js?v=140
angular.js?v=4:344 ocLazyLoad.fileLoaded app/controller/tinymce/tinymce.js
angular.js?v=4:344 ocLazyLoad.componentLoaded (3) ["ui.tinymce", "value", "uiTinymceConfig"]
angular.js?v=4:344 ocLazyLoad.componentLoaded (3) ["ui.tinymce", "directive", "uiTinymce"]
angular.js?v=4:344 ocLazyLoad.componentLoaded (3) ["ui.tinymce", "service", "uiTinymceService"]
angular.js?v=4:344 ocLazyLoad.moduleLoaded ui.tinymce

And AFTER the debug Info I get this:

The controller with the name 'TinyMceController' is not registered.

Any Idea how to fix it? If information is missing please tell.

Best regards, Konst


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