i have the following statement:
ng-repeat="module in academy.modules | filter: {is_complete: 0} | limitTo: 5 | orderBy:'-is_open' | pastDate: 'futureAndNull'"
This repeat runs over an array that looks like this:
academy_id: 36
academy_module: Object
academy_team_id: 130
date: null
deadline: null
is_complete: 0
is_open: 0
module: Object
module_id: 38
prevName: "Konstruktionstest"
score_to_pass: 40
sort_number: 11
user_id: 114
Some of the arrays has the value is_open
set to 1
The elements with combination: is_open = 1
& is_complete = 0
is the ones i want to show as the first item(s)
if you look at the first filter i first filter the ones where is_complete = 0
and then in the orderBy
i filter by is_open
However this does not work.
The reason i am not filtering on is_open = 1
is because i want to show the other elements aswell and these would not be visible then.
So what can i do?