Angular filter on select menu disables buttons in filtered element directives

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I have an angular app running from a hosted service. The issue I'm having is a relatively small one but frustrating nonetheless.

I have a set of custom directives loaded into the page with ng-repeat and a filter based on the value of a select element using ng-model. It mostly works fine.

In the element directives I also have a 'close' button that removes the element from the page. The issue arises when I change the value of the select menu to show the just closed element. Once the element reappears, the buttons in the element won't fire their callbacks. I thought this had to do with the fact that the link function happens once, but the functionality returns after a few more toggles with the select menu.

If anyone has any insight on this, I would appreciate it. What exactly does filter do when something is removed, or brought back? Why would this cause event handles to not function?

Here's the example.

      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        link: function(scope,element,attrs){

To see the behavior, click hide on any of the elements, then try selecting that element and see that the hide button won't work.


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