Android Studio 1.2.2 Static Import Completion

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I'm trying to run Suger ORM v1.4 sample in Android Studio 1.2.2 that uses static imports!


import static;

enter image description here

What I have tried:

1>First I have tried to solve by this Settings -> Code Style -> Java -> Imports In the middle of the pane is the "Packages to Use Import with '*'" table. You can add an entry here of a fully-qualified class name, and tick the static box; now all static methods in this class will be available for auto-completion.

Ref: IntelliJ Static Import Completion

2> I tried with selecting and pressing Alt+Enter

enter image description here

selecting Add on demand static import also doesn't resolves my problem !!

Any help would be greatful !!

other resources I have tried (failed):

IntelliJ Static Import Completion

How to fix "Organize Imports" in Android Studio for static imports


There are 1 answers


Solved! My bad after creating the 1.4v library, forgot to remove old 1.3v gradle dependency!! it's as simple is that!!