Anaconda + wine - Switch env

2.3k views Asked by At

Want to use py2exe in wine. Appears to be broken in python 3.5

Installed Anaconda 4.2.0 with python 3.5

Created new env:

wine conda create -n py34 python=3.4 anaconda
wine conda info --envs
# conda environments:
py34           C:\Program Files (x86)\Anaconda3\envs\py34
root         * C:\Program Files (x86)\Anaconda3

wine activate py34
wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\activate.exe"

Any ideas?


wine cmd
activate py34 

gives me loads of errors

Microsoft Windows 6.1.7601 (1.9.23)

Z:\home\john\dev\etikett_amoinst>activate py34

Z:\home\john\dev\etikett_amoinst>:: this finds either --help or -h and shows the help text Can't recognise 'C:\windows\System32\find.exe /I "-h" ' as an internal or external command, or batch script. @call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anaconda3\Scripts\..\Scripts\conda.exe" ..activate "cmd.exe" -h ) else ( :: reset errorlevel to 0 cmd /c "exit /b 0" )

Z:\home\john\dev\etikett_amoinst>:: this finds either --help or -h and shows the help text Can't recognise 'C:\windows\System32\find.exe /I "-h" ' as an internal or external command, or batch script. @call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anaconda3\Scripts\..\Scripts\conda.exe" ..deactivate "cmd.exe" -h ) else ( :: reset errorlevel to 0 cmd /c "exit /b 0" ) REM Run any deactivate scripts @IF EXIST "\etc\conda\deactivate.d" ( @PUSHD "\etc\conda\deactivate.d" @FOR %g IN (*.bat) DO @CALL "%g"

Z:\home\john\dev\etikett_amoinst>) Can't recognise ')' as an internal or external command, or batch script.

Z:\home\john\dev\etikett_amoinst>) Can't recognise ')' as an internal or external command, or batch script.



There are 1 answers

Andrea On

Instead of py2exe you can try to use pyinstaller.

On MacOS I had a lot of problems with running the miniconda activate script under wine as well. For me he solution was to use winetricks and install cmd (winetricks cmd) and configure wine as windows 10 (winetricks win10).

After that, running

wine cmd

behaved as expected.