I am using Amazon product advertising API. I want get product which has offer.
I tried the amazon-api php class to get the data, but it doesn't work properly.
Need Help to get the products which has an offer.
require_once 'aws_signed_request.php';
class AmazonProductAPI
private $public_key = "YOUR AMAZON ACCESS KEY ID";
private $private_key = "YOUR AMAZON SECRET KEY";
/* 'Associate Tag' now required, effective from 25th Oct. 2011 */
private $associate_tag = "YOUR AMAZON ASSOCIATE TAG";
const MUSIC = "Music";
const DVD = "DVD";
const GAMES = "VideoGames";
private function verifyXmlResponse($response)
if ($response === False)
throw new Exception("Could not connect to Amazon");
if (isset($response->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title))
return ($response);
throw new Exception("Invalid xml response.");
private function queryAmazon($parameters)
return aws_signed_request("com",
public function searchProducts($search,$category,$searchType="UPC")
$allowedTypes = array("UPC", "TITLE", "ARTIST", "KEYWORD");
$allowedCategories = array("Music", "DVD", "VideoGames");
case "UPC" :
$parameters = array("Operation" => "ItemLookup",
"ItemId" => $search,
"SearchIndex" => $category,
"IdType" => "UPC",
"ResponseGroup" => "Medium");
case "TITLE" :
$parameters = array("Operation" => "ItemSearch",
"Title" => $search,
"SearchIndex" => $category,
"ResponseGroup" => "Offers");
$xml_response = $this->queryAmazon($parameters);
return $this->verifyXmlResponse($xml_response);
any help would be appreciated.
I know its pretty late but I came across this post recently.
First of all you need to clarify how you are making a request to amazon product advertising API as there might be several reasons, you are not getting proper response object. PHP Code base( previously ECS ) may help you to initiate properly.
Regarding Offers - when you get the "itemlookup" response there is keys "OfferSummary" and "Offers" which provide you available offers details for the requested product( ASIN for which you have initiated itemLookup).