Add item and update relationship in transitional table in many-to-many database Sql Server

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--here was wrong model without association manyTOmany between A-B. corrected is in EDIT2--

A exists in database, B exists in database. I need only enter new C element with some Properties1 and Properties2 (and update collections of C in existed A and B elements)

I tried many options, like for example this, but still somethings wrong (with ObjectOCntext and existed Key etc)

void SaveNewC(C newC)
    using (var context = new MyEntities(connectionString))
        var dbA = context.A.Where(a => a.Id == newC.A.Id).SingleOrDefault();
        var dbB = context.B.Where(b => b.Id == newC.B.Id).SingleOrDefault();

        newC.A = dbA;
        newC.B = dbB;



Exception that I get: "An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key."

EDIT2 updated model

enter image description here


There are 3 answers

podiluska On
context.Entry(dbA).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
context.Entry(dbB).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
Slauma On

Apparently your newC has already populated navigation properties A and B with the correct Ids. Then you can just attach the entities refered by the navigation properties to the context:

void SaveNewC(C newC)
    using (var context = new MyEntities(connectionString))


Mark Oreta On

Do you need to have the junction table mapped? If all your wanting is a Many to Many from A->B you could do it in a simpler way.

If you created the C table as a true junction - and have a FK to A and B set to it's PK in sql like this:

enter image description here

Then when you create your edmx from the model it will create this:

enter image description here

Now, in your code if you wanted to add a relationship, you would simply add it to your collection, and EF will automatically create the relationship in your C table for you:

        var A = new A();
        var b = new B();
        var b2 = new B();
