Active Directory. Persistent Search or Entry Change Notification

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I want to get changes for user entities from active directory(AD) with UnboundID LDAP SDK.

Does AD support Persistent Search or Entry Change Notification by default or I must to do any settings?

Thanks in advance


There are 2 answers

Esteban On

You have to use the extended search operation on Active Directory which allows you to register to be notified when a change occurs.

This is the OID provided by Microsoft AD for doing so :

In terms of UnboundID LDAP SDK, it seems this control should do what you need to be this control (but not a Java expert):

István Békési On

Based on the suggested comments, LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID control implementation should work on AD. See this very basic test example:

// LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID (1.2.840.113556.1.4.528)
public void test_LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID() throws LDAPException, InterruptedException
    AsyncSearchResultListener myAsyncSearchResultListener = new MyLdapChangeAsyncListener();

    SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(
            "DC=test,DC=lab,DC=com",  // baseDN
            Filter.createPresenceFilter("objectClass"), null);

    Control myControl = new Control("1.2.840.113556.1.4.528");

    AsyncRequestID asyncSearchId = connection.asyncSearch(searchRequest);

    // Wait 15 seconds for changes to be returned



private class MyLdapChangeAsyncListener implements AsyncSearchResultListener
    public void searchEntryReturned(SearchResultEntry searchEntry)
        System.out.println(" >>> ldap searchEntryReturned: " + searchEntry);

    public void searchReferenceReturned(SearchResultReference searchReference)
        System.out.println(" >>> ldap searchReferenceReturned: " + searchReference);

    public void searchResultReceived(AsyncRequestID requestID, SearchResult searchResult)
        System.out.println(" >>> ldap searchResultReceived: " + requestID + " / " + searchResult);


The test does not do much. Waits for 15 seconds meanwhile any changes within the baseDN should be printed out.