zip directory with dedicate childfolders

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I'm trying to pack a folder directory into a zip directory, not including all child folders.

currently i m using this method to pack the whole directory.

public void directoryPacker(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
   string pathToRootDirectory = Path.Combine(directoryInfo.Parent.FullName,
                               directoryInfo.Name) + ".abc"; //name of root file
   using(ZipContainer zip = new ZipContainer(pass)) 
   //ZipContainer inherits from Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
       //some password stuff here
       zip.AddDirectory(directoryInfo.FullName, "/"); //add complete subdirectory to *.abc archive (zip archive)
       zip.Save(pathToRootDirecotry); //save in rootname.bdd

this works really great, but now i have a

 List<string> paths 

within the paths to the childfolders which i want to have in my zipArchive. The other childfolders(not in the list) should not be in the archive

thank you


There are 1 answers


I couldn't find any built in function that adds folder non-recursively. So I wrote a function that adds them manually:

public void directoryPacker(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
    // The list of all subdirectory relatively to the rootDirectory, that should get zipped too
    var subPathsToInclude = new List<string>() { "subdir1", "subdir2", @"subdir2\subsubdir" };

    string pathToRootDirectory = Path.Combine(directoryInfo.Parent.FullName,
                                directoryInfo.Name) + ".abc"; //name of root file
    using (ZipContainer zip = new ZipContainer(pass))
    //ZipContainer inherits from Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
        // Add contents of root directory
        addDirectoryContentToZip(zip, "/", directoryInfo.FullName);

        // Add all subdirectories that are inside the list "subPathsToInclude"
        foreach (var subPathToInclude in subPathsToInclude)
            var directoryPath = Path.Combine(new[] { directoryInfo.FullName, subPathToInclude });
            if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                addDirectoryContentToZip(zip, subPathToInclude.Replace("\\", "/"), directoryPath);

        if (File.Exists(pathToRootDirectory))

        zip.Save(pathToRootDirecotry); //save in rootname.bdd

private void addDirectoryContentToZip(ZipContainer zip, string zipPath, DirectoryInfo directoryPath)
    foreach (var file in directoryPath.GetFiles())
        zip.AddFile(file, zipPath + "/" + Path.GetFileName(file.FullName));

I did not test it, can you tell me if this works for you?