Zinnia Templates for List and detail view

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I am trying to integrate zinnia into a django application. I have to adept the zinnia templates into my theme. Now I am stuck, because it seems that zinnia is using the same template to build the blog entry list, and the blog entry detail page.

This is problematic because, the list has significant different html and css as the entry single view. How do I split the templates, so that I have one that is entirely for the list and one for the entry's detail (Single Post) ?


There are 2 answers

Rob LaRubbio On

To the best of my knowledge this isn't easily done. Here is a comment on a bug asking about this very issue:

Template Documentation #383

For me I am going to modify zinnia/_entry_detail_base.html and put my list view template code in an {% if continue_reading %} and the detail template in the else branch.

sparkholiday On

I'm currently in the process of integrating the Zinnia engine into custom templates -- I'm working on a dynamically updating homepage that shows recent entries from multiple categories, custom pages for each of those categories, and then custom templates for the entries' detail views. I've found this question's answer and this explanation to be extremely helpful.

*Keep in mind that the second link is a bit dated, and that {% load zinnia_tags %} is now {% load zinnia %}.

It's still a lot of trial and error to get things adapted properly to a custom template, but Zinnia really is amazingly customizable, and I think its default configuration tends to overshadow the fact that it works brilliantly as an underlying engine that can power just about any framework that you can sketch out on a notepad.

As the documentation notes, it's also helpful to take a look at some custom themes built for Zinnia on GitHub, just to get a feel of how the template tags are implemented, and how the default templates can be overridden. Here's the repo for a Bootstrap theme, and here's one for a Foundation theme.