Zend PDF standard fonts are generally equal to Latin1 character so to work with other languages an appropriate ttf font should be referenced, so that is what I am doing....
return Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithPath($this->_getFontFileDir() . $fontFile)
The font is definitely being used but language specific characters are failing to be rendered: Russian - цдгчкфсшдгч or Polish - ńóźżćć
I've tried a number of fonts with the appropriate language support including for example DejaVuSans that comes with the dompdf library.
I'm also checking character encoding before sending to ->drawText(
$addressItem = @iconv(mb_detect_encoding($addressItem), "UTF-8", addressItem);
Perhaps someone has used a font in this situation that has been seen to work with the failed characters above?
It's just a matter of font, as I had the same problem for rendering Turkish and Polish texts: they were printing fine on screen (echoing them from PHP), but the PDF (with Zend_Pdf) was not rendered well, showing (or not showing at all) squares in place of several chars.. I had to import and try several external .ttf fonts before finding the one that worked: I used a plain Arial TTF font. I hope this helps!