This specifically regarding the errorAction:Y.Uploader.Queue.RESTART_AFTER. Sorry if I'm reposting this question I searched but I could not find anything relevant.
I'm using YUI uploader for one of my projects my question is about error handling.
uploader = new Y.Uploader({
width: "72px",
height: "20px",
multipleFiles: true,
swfURL: "YUI_3.18/uploader/assets/flashuploader.swf?t=" + Math.random(),
uploadURL: "",
fileFieldName: 'file',
selectFilesButton: Y.Node.create(buttonSkin),
simLimit: simUploadLimit,
I want to know how to test if 'errorAction:Y.Uploader.Queue.RESTART_AFTER' this is really happening. Eg: an upload fails and get re added to the queue.
Also I want to know how to simulate a failed upload (if it is possible).
Thanks you very much for your help.
Assuming simUploadLimit is more than 1 your uploader supports multiple simultaneous file uploads. You can test errorAction:Y.Uploader.Queue.RESTART_AFTER using the following steps
That particular file upload will fail but others will go through. Uploader will try this file again after rest of the files are uploaded successfully.