YQL: How to use key in yql v1/yql/* rest api call?

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I am using yahoo's yql for doing reverse gecoding. As per yahoo documentation yql provides 100000 request per day, but for this yahoo needs an api key. I have created an application in yahoo and have it's consumer key and secret but I don't know where to place this key in yql v1/yql/* reset api call to increase the limit.

Please guide me on this.



There are 1 answers

josuebrunel On

You have to use OAuth1 to be able to use you consumer_key and consumer_secret.

Once you acquire access_token and access_token_secret, you will be able to query data as an authenticated user

If by any chance, you're working with python, i've made a library called yahoo-oauth to easily use OAuth1 with YQL.

Hope it answers your question