I have a task to import video details of videos, uploaded on YouTube.
I have an account, that is the video owner. I have setup credentials in the console: https://console.developers.google.com/project/XXXXX/apiui/credential. I have created OAuth Service Account there.
Later in the script I am using the code from documentation (v3 version of the API):
$credentials = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
/** @var Google_Auth_OAuth2 $auth */
$auth = $this->client->getAuth();
if ($auth->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
Authentication works ok. I've attached logger to Google Client and I can see Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX
header passed with each request.
But the problem is, that it seems, YouTube does not recognize this authentication as an authentication of an actual resource owner. For example, if I request Video Snippet, it is returned without tags (tags can be seen only by owner on some reason).
If I make the same request from here https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/list?hl=ru it works flawlessly.
What can be the problem?
The request in logs looks like this:
[2015-06-08 14:50:02] name.DEBUG: OAuth2 authentication [] []
[2015-06-08 14:50:02] name.DEBUG: cURL request {"url":"https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists?part=id%2Csnippet&channelId=XXXXXXXXXXXX&maxResults=50","method":"GET","headers":{"authorization":"Bearer ya29.XXXXX-XXXXXX","accept-encoding":"gzip"},"body":null} []
This differs from what I can see if tracing the request Google Javascript client makes on Documentation page. The domain is different, Javascript client passes more headers etc.
How do I make it work with PHP?
You should add onBehalfofContentOwner parameter to your request to show yourself as the content owner.