My application is built with angular 7.
To boost some productivity I'm using components that are based on lit-element, exactly there are based on ing-bank/@lion.
When running that I got an error
ERROR in ./node_modules/@lion/accordion/src/LionAccordion.js 204:40
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (204:40)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| __setupSlots() {
> const invokerSlot = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('slot[name=invoker]');
| const handleSlotChange = () => {
| this.__cleanStore();
As I assuming, there is a problem to include es6 web components into angular application that is targeting es5?
How to make it work?
Yes, the
optional chaining operator is very recent and the=>
lambda operator wasn't in ES5.Both are now supported in every browser except IE11.
I'd recommend targeting a more recent JS version, but if you need to work on IE11 you'll need to apply a transform down to it as part of your build. Webpack should be able to do it, but you may need to add
to downgrade your dependencies.