I have Page
model which HAS_MANY
In Page model:
public function relations()
return array(
'attachments'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Attachment', 'parent_id'),
and I am looking for a way to do some scoping on these attachments.
In the PageController
I have:
$model = Page::model()->with(array('attachments'))->findByAttributes(array('slug' => $slug))
For example in the Page view I would like to:
- get all attachments:
(this works fine), but also I need: - get all published attachments (all with
= 1) - get first promoted attachment (the first one with
= 1) - get only the images (
in_array'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', ...
) - get all other files (everything that is not an image)
and any combination of them. Ex: the first promoted and published image
I guess that the best option is to do it without any extra queries and just filter the $model->attachments
, but is it possible?
there is one pages
table and another attachments
in the attachments table I have: id
, parent_id
, file_name
, mime_type
, status
, promoted
you can do like this: