Yii resumable implementing

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I have a task to implement resumable in Yii, and I implemented upload control, but never Resumable before.

public function actionUpload()
        $model=new User;
        if(isset($_POST['User'])) {
             if($model->save()) {

The task is to chunk file in small pieces.

Example: one file can be 1 GB. And I try to send that file with rest service.


There are 1 answers

Maug Lee On

See Sample server implementation in PHP

I copy-paste here essential part of the code, provided on that page:

 * Check if all the parts exist, and 
 * gather all the parts of the file together
 * @param string $dir - the temporary directory holding all the parts of the file
 * @param string $fileName - the original file name
 * @param string $chunkSize - each chunk size (in bytes)
 * @param string $totalSize - original file size (in bytes)
function createFileFromChunks($temp_dir, $fileName, $chunkSize, $totalSize) {

    // count all the parts of this file
    $total_files = 0;
    foreach(scandir($temp_dir) as $file) {
        if (stripos($file, $fileName) !== false) {

    // check that all the parts are present
    // the size of the last part is between chunkSize and 2*$chunkSize
    if ($total_files * $chunkSize >=  ($totalSize - $chunkSize + 1)) {

        // create the final destination file 
        if (($fp = fopen('temp/'.$fileName, 'w')) !== false) {
            for ($i=1; $i<=$total_files; $i++) {
                fwrite($fp, file_get_contents($temp_dir.'/'.$fileName.'.part'.$i));
                _log('writing chunk '.$i);
        } else {
            _log('cannot create the destination file');
            return false;

        // rename the temporary directory (to avoid access from other 
        // concurrent chunks uploads) and than delete it
        if (rename($temp_dir, $temp_dir.'_UNUSED')) {
        } else {
