Yield and revenue optimisation of a field: Can Timefold calculate that?

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Here is a real life scenario and I wanted to know if TimeFold is relevant for that:

I would like to maximize the yield over years of a land to be planted with 2 species of olive trees. I have 2 species of olive trees and 50,000m2 of land. Species 1, called Zelmati, costs 8eur and produces 500g of olives after 5 years and doubles every two years for 12 years before reaching a maximum production which lasts 2000 years. Species 2, called Spanish, costs 25eur and produces 300g after 2 years and doubles every year to reach a maximum after 5 and runs out after 20 years. When species 2 becomes exhausted after 20 years, it is possible to replace it with species 2 or with species 1.

How to maximize the profit made after 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 years depending on the capital invested in each species ?

I haven't tried anything yet :) I am a noob


There are 1 answers

Geoffrey De Smet On

I would divide the 50,000m2 in pieces of for example 1000m² and assign them at that granularity. Each of those is a instance of the class LandAssignment (a planning entity).

Next, assign each LandAssigment a SpeciesStrategy (that the only planning variable).

Some examples of SpeciesStrategy

  • plant olives forever
  • plant olives until they run out (20y) then plant carrots
  • ...

You can do it much more fine grained (smaller land pieces) or more dynamic (to avoid many combinations in SpeciesStrategy), but that could be overkill. And explode the search space.