Yahoo webmail and mailto links

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It seems that Yahoo doesn't fill in the information contained within mailto links like other mail clients do. I'm asking here to see if anyone knows a work-around for Yahoo.

Given this html:

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Hello%20People&[email protected]">Send Mail</a>

Can you successfully click the mailto link, Send Mail, and have yahoo open the webmail client AND fill in the meta data?

I am using the Chrome mailto extension to allow me to open webmail in my client of choice, and have selected Yahoo. So that part is working fine...

Some griping I've found on the web: re: yahoo and mailto links...


There are 1 answers

Brad On

This has nothing to do with your code. Handling of any parameters is up to the mailto: handler... that extension you're using.

You can't force that mailto: handler to do something it isn't built to do.