Yahoo import is not working in openinviter

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I am new to openinvitor. I have downloaded PHPizabi 1.9.6. From Here in that I am running example_list.php file using this i am able to get contacts from gmail but i am not able to get contacts from YAHOO. I am getting error "Login failed. Please check the email and password you have provided and try again later !".

When I am login from Yahoo getting login successfully, but not through this plugin.

Can anyone please help me on this?

code for yahoo.plg.php

    'description'=>"Get the contacts from a Yahoo! account",
 * Yahoo! Plugin
 * Imports user's contacts from Yahoo!'s AddressBook
 * @author OpenInviter
 * @version 1.3.8
class yahoo extends openinviter_base
    private $login_ok=false;
    public $showContacts=true;
    protected $timeout=30;
    public $debug_array=array(

     * Login function
     * Makes all the necessary requests to authenticate
     * the current user to the server.
     * @param string $user The current user.
     * @param string $pass The password for the current user.
     * @return bool TRUE if the current user was authenticated successfully, FALSE otherwise.
    public function login($user,$pass)
        $this->service_user='[email protected]'; //$user;
        $this->service_password='Gajanan@123'; //$pass;
        if (!$this->init()) return false;

        if ($this->checkResponse('initial_get',$res))
            return false;

        if ($this->checkResponse('login_post',$res))
            return false;
        return true;

     * Get the current user's contacts
     * Makes all the necesarry requests to import
     * the current user's contacts
     * @return mixed The array if contacts if importing was successful, FALSE otherwise.
    public function getMyContacts()
        if (!$this->login_ok)
            return false;
        if ($this->checkResponse("print_page",$res))        
            return false;

                             'submit[action_display]'=>'Display for Printing'
        $res=str_replace(array('  ','   ',PHP_EOL,"\n","\r\n"),array('','','','',''),$res);
        preg_match_all("#\<tr class\=\"phead\"\>\<td colspan\=\"2\"\>(.+)\<\/tr\>(.+)\<div class\=\"first\"\>\<\/div\>\<div\>\<\/div\>(.+)\<\/div\>#U",$res,$bulk);
        if (!empty($bulk))
            foreach($bulk[1] as $key=>$bulkName)
                if (preg_match('/\&nbsp\;\-\&nbsp\;/',$nameFormated)) 
                    if (!empty($emailA[1])) $contacts[$emailA[1].'']=array('first_name'=>$emailA[0],'email_1'=>$emailA[1].'');
                elseif (!empty($bulk[3][$key])) { $email=strip_tags(trim($bulk[3][$key])); $contacts[$email]=array('first_name'=>$nameFormated,'email_1'=>$email); }
        foreach ($contacts as $email=>$name) if (!$this->isEmail($email)) unset($contacts[$email]);
        return $this->returnContacts($contacts);

     * Terminate session
     * Terminates the current user's session,
     * debugs the request and reset's the internal 
     * debudder.
     * @return bool TRUE if the session was terminated successfully, FALSE otherwise.
    public function logout()
        if (!$this->checkSession()) return false;
        return true;


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