XSD to JAXB file and JAXB to JPA entity class with database relationship

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I am trying to create JPA entity classes from xsd files. I convert xsd files to JAXB files using xjc command. But i can't convert JAXB to JPA entity classes. I can't use the hyperJAXB because most of the links are broken and i didn't find any tutorial to use hyperjaxb.

Is there a link between JPA entities with JAXB classes to create relationship to database tables?

Can you share any working links to help my project or any tutorial?


There are 1 answers

Rick O'Sullivan On

To demonstrate (zip), this project uses the HiSrc HyperJAXB Maven Plugin to read sample XML Schema (xsd) file(s) and XML Schema Binding (xjb) file(s) to generate Java Entity classes with JPA and JAXB annotations.