XQuery - Doing math on elements within a sequence and aggregating results

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I'm trying to execute a XQuery sum function in a multiplication of two XML elements, but it has been difficult to avoid the iteration in a sequence of elements. For example, consider this case:

sample data:

      . . . 


<results> {
   for $lineitem in collection("tpch")/Orders/Order/LineItem
   let $returnflag := $lineitem/ReturnFlag 
   let $linestatus := $lineitem/LineStatus
   where $lineitem/ShipDate <= "1998-08-31"
   group by $returnflag, $linestatus
   order by $returnflag, $linestatus
} </results>

BaseX output:

[XPTY0004] Item expected, sequence found: (element ExtendedPrice {...}, ......

When I removed "sum_disc_price ..." and "sum_charge ..." result lines, the query runs normally.

My question: Considering this dataset model, how can I to write this query without change its semantics?


There are 1 answers

Charles Duffy On BEST ANSWER

The error is occurring because you're using operations (like multiplication) that take exactly two arguments, and passing a sequence on one side or both. To illustrate the meaning of the error -- you get the exact same thing running:

(1,2,3) * 2

Since your goal is to multiply values together within each individual LineItem inside the $lineitem sequence (which is a sequence due to the group by operator) before aggregating the results, you could use fn:for-each-pair. Implemented with an anonymous function, one might do the following:

        $lineitem/ExtendedPrice, $lineitem/Discount,
         function ($price, $discount) as xs:double {
           xs:double($price) * (1 - xs:double($discount))