Xpath query trying to pull a value from a website table

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I am trying to make a loop to go into a list of company profiles on sec.report and gather their "state of Incorporation" but only getting blank results back.

For example, on https://sec.report/Ticker/adbe, I am trying to use the Xpath function to pull out the value "Delaware". I am using the following code, with an xpath that i have double checked on the developer view of google chrome: sec = tree.xpath('//body/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/text()')

Can someone please show me where i have gone wrong here? is it due to the "state of incorporation" not being being a defined class?

I have also pulled the CIK number for each company but these values are coming through successfully using a very similar code so i'm not too sure where i have gone wrong: sec = tree.xpath('//div[1]/div/h2[1]/text()')


There are 1 answers

Dazed On

your first one would have worked if you used the below but those are brittle xpaths. Hit this site and it will teach you how to write better paths - https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.asp


You can try these:


//div[@class='panel panel-default'][1]/following::table[1]//td[text()='State of Incorporation']/following-sibling::td


//h2[contains(text(), 'SEC')]