Xpath: Getting preceding span element where a button contains specific text

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Trying to get the Button with span and text equals "Delete" as per below xpath selector for a later click


But it does not work. Html is below. How do i get the preceding element for click?

<oj-button :class="[['button-' + actionButton.data.style]]" chroming="full" on-oj-action="[[(event) => { handleActionButtonItem(
                )}]]" class="button-warn oj-button oj-button-full-chrome oj-button-text-only oj-enabled oj-complete oj-default">

                <!--oj-bind-text value='[[actionButton.data.name]]'--><!--ko text:actionButton.data.name--><!--/ko--><!--/oj-bind-text-->
              <div style="display: none;"></div><button class="oj-button-button" aria-labelledby="_ojcustomelem2902|text"><div class="oj-button-label"><span><span class="oj-button-text" id="_ojcustomelem2902|text">Delete</span></span></div></button></oj-button>

There are 2 answers

Jack Fleeting On

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for something like


Try it on your actual html and see if it works.

Siebe Jongebloed On

Something like this


Or if that span always has class="oj-button-text"

//button[.//span[@class='oj-button-text' and .='Delete']]