Xojo launch/run another app (Mac)

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I want my program to launch another desktop application.

Tried shell execute (open appname) but it does not work.

Is there another way ?

Thank you in advance.


There are 3 answers

Abhi Beckert On

I'm not familiar with Xojo, however "launching" an application on OS X is complicated. There are many things you need to consider, especially if it's already running.

I recommend you look into two possible options, either use Xojo's ability to launch call native C code to run one of the three -[NSWorkspace launchApplication...] methods: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/reference/applicationkit/classes/NSWorkspace_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000391-SW23

Alternatively, use Apple's open command line tool:

/usr/bin/open -a "App Name"
/usr/bin/open -a "/Applications/App Name.app"
ianmjones On
dim s as new Shell
s.Execute("open -a ""Finder""")

' Check error code and do something about it...
if s.ErrorCode <> 0 then
  MsgBox("Error code: " + Str(s.ErrorCode) + EndOfLine + "Output: " + s.Result)
end if

Change "Finder" to whichever application you need, or build a string and pass that to s.Execute(). Be sure to include escaped quotes, especially if the application has spaces in its name.

BKeeney Software On

Another possibility is use the standard Xojo FolderItem and use the Launch method.

Dim f as folderitem = specialfolder.applications.child("AppName")
if f <> nil and f.exists then

Reference Documentation: http://docs.xojo.com/index.php/SpecialFolder http://docs.xojo.com/index.php/FolderItem.Launch