XMPPFramework in podspec

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Previously, I integrated XMPPFramework by using dependencies in podspec: s.dependency 'XMPPFramework', '3.6.6'

I'm aware that in order to fix the error of 'Redefinition of module dnssd'. We should pod directly from the master branch:

pod 'XMPPFramework', :git => "https://github.com/robbiehanson/XMPPFramework.git", :branch => 'master'

Unfortunately, we cannot use dependencies without version, so I commented the dependency out and used pull XMPPFramework using podfile. I fixed some minor issues and was able to build the app, but when I tried to do pod spec lint I got the following error:

- NOTE | xcodebuild: PHMessaging/PHMessaging/Classes/PHMessagingManager.h:20:9: fatal error: 'XMPP.h' file not found - NOTE | xcodebuild: PHMessaging/PHMessaging/Classes/PHBasicConversationViewController.h:10:9: fatal error: 'XMPPFramework/XMPPUser.h' file not found

I've already raised the issue with CocoaPods on GitHub, and @BenAsher44 suggested to create a private specs repo and add it to the dependencies in my podspec. This didn't seem to work. Are there any other ways?


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