XML Validation: Invalid content was found starting with element 'jr:table'

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I have developed a PDF report using iReport-5.6.0 . In iReport everything works fine. I have created .jsp file in Eclipse. when I try to run this program in Eclipse,I get the following exception:

SEVERE: Parse Error at line 130 column 227: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'jr:table'. One of '{"http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":component}' is expected.

Please help me. Thanks in advance.


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
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<%@page import="net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer"%>
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<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1″>
<title>Insert title here</title>
Connection conn=null;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "username",

String report="C:\\Users\\admin\\attendance.jrxml";

JasperReport jasperreport=JasperCompileManager.compileReport(report);
JasperPrint jp=JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperreport, null,conn);

catch(Exception e)



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  <![CDATA[select empcode,empname, punchdate,login, brkout, brkin,logout,  round((to_date(login ,'HH24:MI')-to_date(starttime,'HH24:MI')) * 24 * 60)late,  round((to_date(endtime,'HH24:MI')-to_date(logout,'HH24:MI')) * 24 * 60) early, round((to_date(brkin,'HH24:MI')-to_date(brkout,'HH24:MI')) * 24 * 60) brk,round(( decode( to_date(login , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (brkout , 'HH24:MI') , '' ,0,to_date(brkout , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (login , 'HH24:MI') )  + decode( to_date(logout , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (brkin , 'HH24:MI'), '',0,  to_date(logout , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (brkin , 'HH24:MI') ) ) * 24 ) tothrs,uniform,remarks from ( select a.empcode,b.empname,a.punchdate,  to_char( min (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime ELSE null END) , 'HH24:MI' ) login,  to_char( ( case when ( min (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) =   ( max (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) then  null else max (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)  end ),'HH24:MI' ) brkin,  to_char( min (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END) , 'HH24:MI' ) brkout,to_char( ( case when ( min (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) =  ( max (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) then  null else max (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)end ),'HH24:MI' ) logout, to_char( c.starttime ,'HH24:MI') starttime ,  to_char( c.endtime ,'HH24:MI') endtime,a.uniform,a.remarks from peco.memployeetrack a,peco.memployee b, peco.mshift c  Where a.punchdate  = '01-Oct-2014'  and a.empcode=b.empcode and b.shiftcode=c.shiftcode group by a.empcode,b.empname,a.punchdate,c.starttime,c.endtime,a.uniform,a.remarks )  union all select empcode,empname, null aspunchdate, '' login , '' brkout, '' brkin, '' logout, 0late,  0 early , 0 brk , 0 tothrs,'','' from peco.memployee    where empcode not in  (select EMPCODE from peco.MEMPLOYEETRACK where punchdate = '01-Oct-2014'  and ourbranchcode = 'HO')   and ourbranchcode='HO'  and isactive=0 and empcode <> 'NONE' order by punchdate , empname]]>
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  <![CDATA[select empcode,empname, punchdate,login, brkout, brkin,logout,  round((to_date(login ,'HH24:MI')-to_date(starttime,'HH24:MI')) * 24 * 60)late,  round((to_date(endtime,'HH24:MI')-to_date(logout,'HH24:MI')) * 24 * 60) early, round((to_date(brkin,'HH24:MI')-to_date(brkout,'HH24:MI')) * 24 * 60) brk,round(( decode( to_date(login , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (brkout , 'HH24:MI') , '' ,0,to_date(brkout , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (login , 'HH24:MI') )  + decode( to_date(logout , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (brkin , 'HH24:MI'), '',0,  to_date(logout , 'HH24:MI') - to_date (brkin , 'HH24:MI') ) ) * 24 ) tothrs,uniform,remarks from ( select a.empcode,b.empname,a.punchdate,  to_char( min (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime ELSE null END) , 'HH24:MI' ) login,  to_char( ( case when ( min (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) =   ( max (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) then  null else max (case when a.status ='IN' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)  end ),'HH24:MI' ) brkin,  to_char( min (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END) , 'HH24:MI' ) brkout,to_char( ( case when ( min (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) =  ( max (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)) then  null else max (case when a.status ='OUT' then a.punchtime  ELSE null END)end ),'HH24:MI' ) logout, to_char( c.starttime ,'HH24:MI') starttime ,  to_char( c.endtime ,'HH24:MI') endtime,a.uniform,a.remarks from peco.memployeetrack a,peco.memployee b, peco.mshift c  Where a.punchdate  = '01-Oct-2014'  and a.empcode=b.empcode and b.shiftcode=c.shiftcode group by a.empcode,b.empname,a.punchdate,c.starttime,c.endtime,a.uniform,a.remarks )  union all select empcode,empname, null aspunchdate, '' login , '' brkout, '' brkin, '' logout, 0late,  0 early , 0 brk , 0 tothrs,'','' from peco.memployee    where empcode not in  (select EMPCODE from peco.MEMPLOYEETRACK where punchdate = '01-Oct-2014'  and ourbranchcode = 'HO')   and ourbranchcode='HO'  and isactive=0 and empcode <> 'NONE' order by punchdate , empname]]>
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