I am trying to export the xml generated from sql query. I am trying like this
EXEC master.dbo.sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXEC master.dbo.sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT @xml" -S <SERVERNAME> -D <DATABASE_NAME> -U <UserName> -P <PASSWORD> queryout "E:\test.xml" -T -c -t,'
while trying this I got the result listed below
Copy direction must be either 'in', 'out' or 'format'.
usage: bcp {dbtable | query} {in | out | queryout | format} datafile
[-m maxerrors] [-f formatfile] [-e errfile]
[-F firstrow] [-L lastrow] [-b batchsize]
[-n native type] [-c character type] [-w wide character type]
[-N keep non-text native] [-V file format version] [-q quoted identifier]
[-C code page specifier] [-t field terminator] [-r row terminator]
[-i inputfile] [-o outfile] [-a packetsize]
[-S server name] [-U username] [-P password]
[-T trusted connection] [-v version] [-R regional enable]
[-k keep null values] [-E keep identity values]
[-h "load hints"] [-x generate xml format file]
[-d database name] [-K application intent]
I am not been able to find out the problem.
My questions are-
What I am doing wrong?
How to save/export xml in the file in drive?
I'm not sure what you're trying to do with this command:
What I can tell you is immediately wrong:
You are mixing authentication with -T and also -U -P
Your query "select @xml" isn't valid
You could try something like:
test.xml would look like:
And build up to what kind of output you are looking for.
By default
executes on the server as the sql server service account, although a proxy account can be set up.You might want to look into
for xml
to make sure you telling sql server how you want to xml to be formated.References:
Import and Export Bulk Data by Using the bcp Utility (SQL Server) - MSDN
bcp Utility - MSDN
xp_cmdshell - MSDN
For XML (SQL Server)
Using the Bulk-Load Tools in SQL Server - Erland Sommarskog