Xml Parsing and Comparison

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I have two Xml:-

String xmlA="<user><name>Jai</name><age>31</age><dob>28March1990</dob></user>";
String xmlB="<user><name>Jai Singh</name><age>31</age><dob>28March1990</dob></user>";

Now After parsing and comparing, I want to show the results in following order:-

Name : Jai JaiSingh

Age: 31 31

dob: 28March1990 28March1990

My question: What is the easiest method to approach this?

Can I use xmlUnit for comparing in this scenario?


There are 2 answers


Using xmlunit

Create two xml documents and compare using Diff. The DifferenceEngine accepts a DifferenceListener. You can add your logic there.

        Diff diff = new Diff(docx1, docx2);
        DifferenceEngine engine = new DifferenceEngine(diff);

        ElementQualifier qualifier = new RecursiveElementNameAndTextQualifier();
        diff = new Diff(docx1, docx2, engine, qualifier);
        diff.overrideDifferenceListener(new DifferenceListener()
            @Override public int differenceFound(Difference difference)
                // Do some thing here


            @Override public void skippedComparison(Node node, Node node1)
                //no op
Elorry On

Of course, you have a XML Unit if you want to compare two XML and you could do it character by character. XML Unit


You have to download de XMLUnit JAR from here XML Sourceforge and then its easy, like JUnit, add to your classpath (by Eclipse / NetBeans / so on ...) and then you write a Test, like JUnit but extends from XMLTestCase, like this one:

import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.*;
public class XMLTesting extends XMLTestCase {

 public void testForEquality() throws Exception {
        String myControlXML = "<msg><uuid>0x00435A8C</uuid></msg>";
        String myTestXML = "<msg><localId>2376</localId></msg>";
        assertXMLEqual("comparing test xml to control xml", myControlXML, myTestXML);

        assertXMLNotEqual("test xml not similar to control xml", myControlXML, myTestXML);

    public void testIdentical() throws Exception {
        String myControlXML = "<struct><int>3</int><boolean>false</boolean></struct>";
        String myTestXML = "<struct><boolean>false</boolean><int>3</int></struct>";
        Diff myDiff = new Diff(myControlXML, myTestXML);
        assertTrue("pieces of XML are similar " + myDiff, myDiff.similar());
        assertTrue("but are they identical? " + myDiff, myDiff.identical());

    public void testAllDifferences() throws Exception {
        String myControlXML = "<news><item id=\"1\">War</item>"
            + "<item id=\"2\">Plague</item><item id=\"3\">Famine</item></news>";
        String myTestXML = "<news><item id=\"1\">Peace</item>"
            + "<item id=\"2\">Health</item><item id=\"3\">Plenty</item></news>";
        DetailedDiff myDiff = new DetailedDiff(compareXML(myControlXML, myTestXML));
        List allDifferences = myDiff.getAllDifferences();
        assertEquals(myDiff.toString(), 0, allDifferences.size());

So you can see the easy way to compare two XML