import xlwt
book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
sheet1 = book.add_sheet("Python Sheet 1")
sheet2 = book.add_sheet("Python Sheet 2")
sheet3 = book.add_sheet("Python Sheet 3")
sheet1.write(0, 0, "This is the First Cell of the First Sheet")
sheet2.write(0, 0, "This is the First Cell of the Second Sheet")
sheet3.write(0, 0, "This is the First Cell of the Third Sheet")
sheet2.write(1, 10, "This is written to the Second Sheet")
sheet3.write(0, 2, "This is part of a list of information in the Third Sheet")
sheet3.write(1, 2, "This is part of a list of information in the Third Sheet")"python_spreadsheet.xls")
Does anyone know why I am getting this error? I literally just copied this code from the package's demo website and I got this error.
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'python_spreadsheet.xls'
On Windows you get that error if the file is open in Excel.
On Linux you will get that error if you don't have permissions to write to the output directory or file.