XenCenter cannot connect to my remote XenServer

1.8k views Asked by At

I'm currently working on a virtu project for my IT school. I have this PC with XenServer only, used for the said project. I :

  • Placed it at my home
  • Connected it to my router
  • Deactivated DHCP for its address
  • Configurated the ports so I can access it from outside
  • Registered a dynDNS domain
  • Tested it : I can type the dynDNS address from outside and I see the XenServer page (Nothing but the links to XenCenter and "Citrix Systems, Inc. XenServer 6.2.0")

So I tried to register the XenServer in XenCenter and I get ERROR ! "Unable to connect to 'whatever.net'. The connection was refused. Check etc and try again."

Is there something I am missing? Btw sorry but English is not my native language.


There are 1 answers

Domboróczky János On

Check your /etc/hosts.allow file. It has to contain the next line:

xapi: your.ip.address. 192.168.10.