Xcode: would like to highlight soon-to-be-deprecated sections of source code

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I'm searching for a method of highlighting sections of a source code file so that everyone on the team knows immediately that they are reading deprecated code.

For example, I was hoping I would find something like this:

#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic use-italic-font
- (void) myDeprecatedFunction
    ... 300 lines of deprecated function body 
    ... that will be removed soon
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

Maybe there is an Xcode extension or plugin that could do this?

I use these other tools sometimes, but they are insufficient:

#pragma mark
#pragma -
#pragma GCC poison

Sometimes I go so far as doing this:

typedef packed struct
   UInt8        mParamID; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   SInt8        mDmxChannelOffset; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt16       mEncoderMinVal; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt16       mEncoderMaxVal; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt16       mHomeVal; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mEncoderSensitivity; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mParamFlags; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mExtraCode; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mExtraValue; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   SInt8        mExtraDMXAddressOffset; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mReserved; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mMoreDataFlags; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!

   // Dynamic state
   SInt8        mDynamicDmxChannelOffset; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   SInt16       mDynamicEncoderMinVal; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   SInt16       mDynamicEncoderMaxVal; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   SInt16       mDynamicHomeVal; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mDynamicEncoderSensitivity; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
   UInt8        mDynamicFlags; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!
} ParamInfo_Vers3; // !!!! DEPRECATED VERSION OF STRUCT !!!!

There are 1 answers

l'L'l On

Why not use the @available attribute:

// you'll get a deprecation warning here.
@available(iOS, deprecated: 10.2, message: "ancient")
typedef packed struct {

I'm not sure if it works for Obj-C, but for Swift it definitely should. It's also possible to get creative:

@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use newer instead")
let dep = "deprecated"
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use newer instead")
let `self` = "deprecated"
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use newer instead")
let `DEP` = "deprecated"
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use newer instead")
let Optional = "deprecated"

So below you would have two items deprecated:


print("123", obtain(self: "123"))

print(DEP)  // deprecated
print(self) // deprecated