Xcode 13.2 “Second Editor”

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I have Xcode configured so that option-click on a file will open it in the “second” editor.

enter image description here

This worked in Xcode 13.0 and earlier, but in Xcode 13.2.1 (13C100), I cannot get it to use the second editor at all. Before I file a bug report, are others having the same problem and has anyone discovered a work-around?


There are 3 answers


There is a new “focus editor” button next to file selector. When it is blue, the secondary editor is disabled (only allows assistant).

When it is white, you can open secondary editors.

Horrible UX and has caused me hours of headache. enter image description here

matt On

Works fine for me in Xcode 13.2.1, so I can't reproduce the issue. Maybe download that before filing a bug?

enter image description here

(Also, make sure nothing has gone wrong with your keyboard's Option key; yes, I've had problems with that in the past.)

By the way, my favored setting (though not what I used while testing your report, of course) is to have Optional Navigation set to Uses Destination Chooser; it gives so much flexibility as to where the file will be edited!

Rob On

Doing additional experimentation, it appears that the problem is unique to a particular project. If I create a new project, the UI works as expected.

I fixed the problem by:

  • exiting Xcode;
  • removing the .xcuserdatad folder within the .xcodeproj package; and
  • restarting Xcode.