Xamarin forms: System.NullReferenceException when using ZXing.Net.Mobile for scanning?

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I am using the ZXing.Net.Mobile NuGet package for scanning barcode numbers. I have done everything as per this blog.

My Code

//Main Project Interface
public interface IQrScanningService  
   Task<string> ScanAsync();  

//Android part implementation
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(XFBarcode.Droid.Services.QrScanningService))]  
namespace projectname.Droid.Services  
    public class QrScanningService : IQrScanningService  
        public async Task<string> ScanAsync()  
            var optionsDefault = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();  
            var optionsCustom = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();  
            var scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner()  
                TopText = "Scan the QR Code",  
                BottomText = "Please Wait",  
            var scanResult = await scanner.Scan(optionsCustom);  
            return scanResult.Text;  

But when I execute I am getting System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'. What else I am missing here? I saw a similar thread here but don't how to download use a package from GitHub.


There are 1 answers


You missed the initialization step.

Try this:

public async Task<string> ScanAsync()
        //Initialize the scanner first so it can track the current context

        var optionsDefault = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();
        var optionsCustom = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();

        var scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner()
            TopText = "Scan the QR Code",
            BottomText = "Please Wait",

        var scanResult = await scanner.Scan(optionsCustom);
        return scanResult.Text;

in your MainActivity :

public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
    public static MainActivity Instance;
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
        ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;

        Instance = this;
        Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
        global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
        LoadApplication(new App());


You also could initialize in MainActivity OnCreate() method directly.

protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
    ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;

    Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
    MobileBarcodeScanner.Initialize(Application); //initialize  here
    global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
    LoadApplication(new App());