Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps - Need to place custom pins very close together using a Map_Clicked. Seems to be padding problem

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I have custom pins set up for Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps. I am reading them from existing .png icons which are transparent and do not have padding using the BitmapDescriptorFactory.

My code is much like this article -> https://nerd-corner.com/how-to-add-custom-icon-pins-to-google-maps-xamarin-app/

The problem? I need to place them almost on top of each other. There seems to be padding around the pin that does not let me click and place the pin almost on top of the other pin.

I have tried setting the Z-index dynamically. I have tried the Flat option. I'm not quite sure what it does. I tried to set the Icon.View.Margin to a zero Thickness


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