I am using WSO2 Identity server SAML2.0 authentitcation I am using asgardeo library (it is working fine when authentication method is opid connect) What will be SAML2 SSO request URL and how we consume it.
By using https://serverIP:9443/samlsso?spEntityID=IssureName and https://serverIP:9443/samlsso
I am getting below response
SAML 2.0 based Single Sign-On Error when processing authentication request! Please try login again!
In my thought I need a valid url...please help
I have download the code form given below URL (I know it is DEPRECATED) but I can't use asgardeo server https://github.com/wso2-attic/asgardeo-dotnet-oidc-sdk
I am implementing it c#
Please HELP...............Thanks In Advance